Write to Learn English | What Brings You Joy?

Let’s write to learn English! Today we are starting a new video series to help you with your English. In this video series, I will be helping you to start a journal in English.

What is a journal? A journal is usually a notebook where you write your thoughts every day. It can be in a physical notebook like this, it can be on your computer, or it can even be in a journal application on your phone. 

Why start a journal?

Adding a writing habit to your language-learning routine can help you improve your English. 

Writing helps you to explore your expression in English without the pressure of being in a conversation with someone.

You can take your time and think about what you want to say, search for the right words, and review your sentences. 

This video series will encourage you to use all 4 aspects of language: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. 

I will share my journal response with you. You can listen and read along with me as I share my journal entry. Then, listen again and practice speaking the sentences that I wrote, imitating my accent and pronunciation. 

Finally, you can write your own entry.

Many of my students say that they don’t know how to start a regular writing practice. 

Hopefully, this video series will help you start an English journaling habit that will help your mastery of the language!

In this series of lessons, we will see a writing prompt.

What is a prompt? 

A prompt is simply a question or statement, telling you what to write.

Today’s prompt is: What Brings you Joy?

First of all, let’s look at the word joy. Joy is a synonym for happiness. However, English speakers use this word more often to note strong or pure emotions. Joy usually sounds a bit more intense and special than simply saying happiness. 

For this reason, I will pick examples that bring me a lot of happiness. 

To answer this prompt, I will choose something that brings me joy in my profession, in my family and something that brings me joy when I am alone.


 Something that brings me joy as an English teacher is when I can help students reach their goals. For example, I worked with a student who had a goal to apply for a job in the United States. He had applied previously but was refused because of his level of English. We worked together on his pronunciation, and English speaking skills for a year. After a year of hard work, he reapplied for the same position and was accepted! This positive experience filled me with joy.

My family also brings me joy. I love being a husband and a father. One simple thing in my family life that brings me joy is when we all have fun together. An example could be when we travel together and share a fun experience or something more common like playing a game together at home. Spending time together is what brings me joy in these situations.

Finally, some things bring me joy when I am alone. For example, I love reading a good book sitting on the couch. I often drink a cup of tea while I read. The best feeling is when I approach the end of a good book and it seems like I can’t put the book down because it is so good. That is a feeling of joy to me.


Now, that you have read and listened to my response, it’s time to practice pronunciation. Here I encourage you to use the strategy of imitation. Listen again as I read my response and speak each sentence after me, imitating my accent as I read. Note the way that I blend words together and the phrasing I use. You may need to pause the video after each sentence.


 Something that brings me joy as an English teacher is when I can help students reach their goals. For example, I worked with a student who had a goal to apply for a job in the United States. He had applied previously but was refused because of his level of English. We worked together on his pronunciation, and English speaking skills for a year. After a year of hard work, he reapplied for the same position and was accepted! This positive experience filled me with joy.

My family also brings me joy. I love being a husband and a father. One simple thing in my family life that brings me joy is when we all have fun together. An example could be when we travel together and share a fun experience or something more common like playing a game together at home. Spending time together is what is important to me in these situations.

Finally, some things bring me joy when I am alone. For example, I love reading a good book while I sit on the couch. I often drink a cup of tea while I read. The best feeling is when I approach the end of a good book and it seems like I can’t put the book down because it is so good. 


Did you understand all the words I used in the video? 

Did you note any verb tenses that you didn’t understand? If so, go back through my response and make a note of new vocabulary or other grammar points that you don’t understand. If you can’t find the answer to your questions, ask your English teacher to help you. 

Now it’s your turn to write to learn English.

Write to Learn English

Answer this journal prompt. 

What Brings You Joy?

Maybe you want to write in a new language journal like this one. Perhaps you want to write your response and share it with your English teacher for feedback. 

Remember, you can write as much or as little as you would like. Even writing just one sentence in response can help you start a daily journaling habit in English. 

After you are happy with your response, read the response out loud, focussing on your pronunciation. 

Consider memorizing your response and speaking out loud to a friend or a teacher.

Thank you for watching this video.

I hope it will help you add writing to your language-learning routine. 

Try to write to learn English in your regular routine.

If you liked the video, don’t forget to like it, share it with someone else and subscribe so you will know when the next video in the series is posted next week.

This is Andrew from Four Corners English. 

Remember, you CAN learn English






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