Write to Learn English | What are your Personal Strengths?

What are your personal strengths?

Hello everybody!

This is Andrew from Four Corners English.

Today we are continuing our video series to help you with your English. In this video series, I will be helping you to start a journal in English.

Have you started a writing habit in English yet? 

If not, here are a few ideas that might help you stick to your habit”:

Did you notice the phrasal verb “stick to”? 

Sticking to means 

“Sticking to” refers to the act of consistently and reliably following through with a particular action, habit, or commitment over time. It implies a dedication to a routine or course of action without deviation or wavering. When someone is “sticking to” something, it means they are doing it faithfully, despite challenges or temptations to stop. This phrase often conveys discipline, perseverance, and determination in maintaining a desired behavior or goal.

There are several strategies and resources you can utilize to help you remember to write every day:

  • Set Reminders: Use your smartphone or a physical planner to set daily reminders to write. This can be as simple as a recurring alarm or notification.
  • Create a Writing Schedule: Establish a specific time each day dedicated to writing. Consistency is key to forming a habit.
  • Join Writing Communities: Join online writing communities or forums where members encourage each other to write regularly. This can provide accountability and motivation.
  • Use Writing Apps: There are numerous writing apps available that offer features like daily writing prompts, progress tracking, and reminders. Examples include Scrivener, Evernote, or Google Docs.
  • Subscribe to Writing Prompts: Many websites and apps offer daily writing prompts delivered to your inbox or smartphone. These prompts can help stimulate creativity and keep you motivated to write regularly.

Including this channel!

At four corners english we give special attention to adding writing to your learning routine. Subscribe here to receive regular writing help and visit fourcornersebglish.com for more resources.

  • Participate in Writing Challenges: Participating in writing challenges such as NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) or Camp NaNoWriMo can provide structure and motivation to write every day.
  • Start a social media account in your learning language: Commit to writing a daily blog post or journal entry. Sharing your writing publicly can add an extra layer of accountability.
  • Find a Writing Buddy: Partner with a friend or fellow writer who shares your goal of writing daily. Check in with each other regularly to share progress and provide support.
  • Attend Writing Workshops or Classes: Enroll in writing workshops or classes where you’ll be expected to produce writing regularly. The structure and feedback provided in these settings can help keep you on track.
  • Reward Yourself: Establish a reward system for meeting your daily writing goals. This could be anything from treating yourself to a favorite snack to enjoying leisure time guilt-free.

By incorporating some or all of these strategies into your routine, you can increase your likelihood of remembering to write every day and establish a consistent writing habit.

Now let’s look at the prompt

What are your strengths?

A strength is something that you do well. It is a positive trait or quality inherent in an individual that contributes to their ability to perform effectively in various aspects of life. These strengths can manifest in different forms, such as character traits, skills, talents, or abilities. Some strengths are a part of your personality, but they can also be developed and improved through experience, practice, and self-awareness.

Examples of personal strengths include:

  • Resilience: The ability to bounce back from setbacks, challenges, or adversity with determination and a positive mindset.
  • Creativity: The capacity to think innovatively, generate original ideas, and solve problems in unconventional ways.
  • Empathy: The skill of understanding and relating to others’ emotions, perspectives, and experiences, facilitating effective communication and interpersonal relationships.
  • Leadership: The capability to inspire, motivate, and guide others towards achieving common goals or objectives.
  • Integrity: The commitment to honesty, morality, and ethical principles in all aspects of life, leading to trustworthiness and credibility.
  • Adaptability: The flexibility to adjust to changing circumstances, environments, or expectations with ease and agility.
  • Communication: The proficiency in expressing ideas, thoughts, and feelings clearly and persuasively, fostering effective collaboration and understanding.
  • Time management: The ability to prioritize tasks, organize schedules, and efficiently allocate resources to accomplish objectives in a timely manner.
  • Perseverance: The determination to persist in pursuing goals or overcoming obstacles despite difficulties or setbacks.
  • Critical thinking: The aptitude to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make reasoned judgments or decisions based on evidence and logic.

Identifying and leveraging personal strengths can enhance self-confidence, performance, and overall well-being, enabling individuals to achieve their full potential and thrive in various personal, academic, professional, and social contexts.

Now I will share my response with you. 

I will write about my strengths in 3 areas of my life: my job, my family, and my own personal strengths 

In my job, one of my strengths is time management. As a teacher, I have many things to do each day. For example, I have to write lessons, read and provide feedback for my students’ writing, and produce videos. Managing my time is important to keep up with all of these responsibilities throughout the week. I have developed a routine that helps me do these tasks on time.

In my family life, one of my strengths is flexibility. I am able to adapt to changes as my children have grown up. For example, being the father of small children and being the father of a child in college requires a different mindset. It has not been easy, but over time I have been able to adapt to the different needs of my children. 

Finally, a personal strength of mine is perseverance. Like many of you, I am a language learner. I have studied Spanish and Portuguese. I have achieved a high level of Spanish and an intermediate level of Portuguese by persevering in my study. I try to study every day, even if it is only for a short time. 


Now, that you have read and listened to my response, it’s time to practice pronunciation. Here I encourage you to use the strategy of imitation. Listen again as I read my response and speak each sentence after me, imitating my accent as I read. Note the way that I blend words together and the phrasing I use. You may need to pause the video after each sentence.


In my job, one of my strengths is time management. As a teacher, I have many things to do each day. For example, I have to write lessons. Read and provide feedback for my students’ writing, and I produce videos. Managing my time is important to keep up with all of these responsibilities throughout the week. I have developed a routine that helps me do these tasks on time.

In my family life, one of my strengths is flexibility. I am able to adapt to changes as my children have grown up. For example, being the father of small children and being the father of a child in college requires a different mindset. It has not been easy, but over time I have been able to adapt to the different needs of my children. 

Finally, a personal strength of mine is perseverance. Like many of you, I am a language learner. I have studied Spanish and Portuguese. I have achieved a high level of Spanish and an intermediate level of Portuguese by persevering in my study. I try to study every day, even if it is only for a short time. 


Did you understand all the words I used in the video? 

Did you note any verb tenses that you didn’t understand? If so, go back through my response and make a note of new vocabulary or other grammar points that you don’t understand. If you can’t find the answer to your questions, ask your English teacher to help you. 

Now it’s your turn to write. 

Answer this journal prompt. 

What are your strengths?

Maybe you want to write in a new language journal like this one. Perhaps you want to write your response and share it with your English teacher for feedback. 

Remember, you can write as much or as little as you would like. Even writing just one sentence in response can help you start a daily journaling habit in English. 

After you are happy with your response, read the response out loud, focussing on your pronunciation. 

Consider memorizing your response and speaking out loud to a friend or a teacher.

Thank you for watching this video.

I hope it will help you add writing to your language-learning routine. 

If you liked the video, don’t forget to like it, share it with someone else and subscribe so you will know when the next video in the series is posted next week.

This is Andrew from Four Corners English. 

Remember, you CAN learn English. 





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