Tag: englishgrammar

  • Prepostional Phrases

    Prepostional Phrases

    How do I know which prepositions to use? Prepositional phrases can be challenging, but you’ll become more comfortable using them with practice. Here are some common prepositional phrases with explanations and examples: Tips: No Strict Rules: While there are some general guidelines, prepositions in English often don’t follow strict rules, and their usage can be…

  • Using articles in English

    Using articles in English

    Using articles in English can be confusing. Let’s take a look: After the first time, you use the definite article “the” Remember, practice helps a lot. As you use English more, you’ll get a feel for when to use articles. Consider practicing with a teacher to help you improve and give you feedback on using…

  • Present simple or present continuous?

    Present simple or present continuous?

    Many students ask me about the difference between Present Simple and Present Continuous verb tenses in English. When should you use each one, and in what situations can be a little confusing.  Let’s take a quick look:  Present Simple: We use present simple when we talk about things that happen regularly, habits, or general truths.…