Tag: journal
100 Writing Prompts
Have you started a daily writing habit in English? Starting a journal by responding to writing prompts is a great way to begin. Even writing a few sentences a day can make a difference. If you are an English language learner, write your responses and share them with a friend or your English teacher. Need…
Write to Learn English | What Challenges Are You Facing?
Today we are continuing a new video series to help you write to learn English. In this video series, I will be helping you to write in a journal. This is the second video in the series. Making writing a part of your language development can help all aspects of your English. For example, even…
Write to Learn English | What Brings You Joy?
Let’s write to learn English! Today we are starting a new video series to help you with your English. In this video series, I will be helping you to start a journal in English. What is a journal? A journal is usually a notebook where you write your thoughts every day. It can be in…